Electrical beings
While doing a bit of a deep dive into “earthing” for this week’s Health Foundations membership presentation. I came across the statement: “humans are electrical first, chemical second” by Clint Ober. This quotes makes sense to me and my “earthing” research has me reflecting on my own journey of understanding how the body works relative to the world around us.
It has been evident to me since early on in my professional nursing career how humans are electrical beings. Thinking about biochemistry and human physiology, it takes electrolytes to run the electron transport chain and stimulate energy production from the mitochondria in every single cell of the body.
“Humans are electrical first, chemical second.” Clint Ober
On a more practical level, when we are resuscitating someone in the hospital or with and AED, what do we use to shock them “back to life?” An electrical current through the body.
And when we want to see how the heart is functioning, what kind of lab do we order? An electrocardiogram - a reading of the electrical currents running through the heart.
It is basic health and science - the human is full of electrical currents and frequency. Which is one of the reasons why I primarily understand the body to work most efficiently when its currents are conducting effectively.
Sinus rhythm EKG tracing.
As I traveled through my career and health and wellness research, I started to put together my own hypothesis on how inflammation creates a state of static frequency of resistance in the body that reduces electrical conduction a.k.a. signaling.
When signaling is slowed or disrupted, the human is as risk for either creating a state of internal disconnection by distance (intercellar, possibly even intracellular gaps) and/or creating an internal state of miscommunication which completely rewires certain conductions and feedback pathways that can lead to states of diseasing (thinking poor DNA replication or autoimmune or any “itis” condition).
As I continued to develop my hypothesis and was introduced to the science of blood sugar balancing as a way to decrease inflammation (and increase conduction, communication, and regulation) in the body, I knew I had found a tangible map that could help a ton of people get their health back on track.
I am not saying blood sugar balancing is not the only way to reduce inflammation, but what I am proposing is that blood sugar balancing to achieve insulin (one of our master signalers) sensitivity and improved internal electrical conduction is one of the most affordable, efficient, and accessible physical steps to fast tracking your way back to whole health and optimal frequency conduction.
Pro tips to start balancing your blood sugar and increasing internal electrical signaling:
Prioritize proper hydration with purified H20, electrolytes, and minerals;
Prioritizie plenty of high quality sleep;
Prioritize morning light before 1000 am on your face for 10-20 minutes per day;
Prioritizie consuming enough protein;
Focus on low carb, low glycemic over no carb or high glycemic consumption (click this link for a Free Low Glycemic Shopping List download);
Move your body daily, even hourly if possible;
Find ways to regulate your nervous system, especially during period of prolonged stress.
What are your thoughts on humans as first electrical, and then chemical beings?
How would this information change how you approach your health and wellness activities?
I would love to know your thoughts in the comments below!